Tochka Ru B1.2 Pack - Libro de texto+cuaderno de ejercicios

Tochka Ru B1.2 Pack - Libro de texto+cuaderno de ejercicios

Dolmatova, Olia / Escritor Novacac, Ekaterina / Escritor

98,80 €
93,86 €
IVA incluido
Curso para extranjeros
98,80 €
93,86 €
IVA incluido
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Tochka Ru: Russian Course B1 the lesson book and the workbook set.
A set of two books, one for lessons and other for exercises.
Audio resources are free of charge for those who purchased the book and are available at the bookÂ’s web pages.
The book set is meant to be used by those who study on their own as well as with a Russian language teacher. The text in the book is in Russian, the exercises are given in Russian, there are all the answers/keys to the exercises in the end of the book.

This course is addressed to young people and adults and covers 220 academic hours. The perfect balance of grammar, vocabulary and conversational skills of modern Russian language is the key feature of this course. The combination of traditional and modern teaching methods helps students to achieve their goals quickly and efficiently.

TeacherÂ’s book is available only at the bookÂ’s web pages.

Tocka / Tochka ru / / Tocka ru / / / / Totchka / Toshka ru / Totska / Totska ru

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