Russian Cases - Tables and Exercises B1-B2

Russian Cases - Tables and Exercises B1-B2

Con soluciones para todos los ejercicios.

Chulkova, Anastasia (adap.) / Escritor

14,40 €
13,68 €
IVA incluido
Sistema Kalinka
Año de edición:
Curso con base inglesa
14,40 €
13,68 €
IVA incluido
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Do you commit mistakes when using Russian cases? This book for intermediate-advanced learners is all you need to practice and reduce your mistakes:

1. Chapters dedicated to each case.
2. Explanations for each case and tables with declinations of nouns, pronouns and adjectives
3. Exercises: Over 900 questions to answer.
4. Answers to all exercises at the end of the book.

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