

A partir de 7 años

Walliams, David / Escritor

15,48 €
14,71 €
IVA incluido
Harper Collins
Año de edición:
Tony Ross
15,48 €
14,71 €
IVA incluido
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The hilarious children’s book from No. 1 bestselling author David Walliams – a timeless adventure illustrated by artistic genius, Tony Ross. On a volcanic island, in the middle of shark-infested waters, stands The Cruel School.

The lessons are ludicrous, the school dinners are disgusting and the teachers are terrifying. When Larker is sent to the school, she quickly realises that VERY odd things are going on involving sinister Science teacher Doctor Doktur, a secret cave and a ‘Monsterfication Machine’. Can Larker unravel the teacher’s wicked plot?

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